

Flexible Certificate Programs

Both certificates are offered in a highly flexible model. Students complete one course at a time moving at their own pace. Each course is 1 credit hour and students have a maximum of 6 weeks to complete the course, but can complete sooner. Lectures are delivered online asynchronously. Labs are flexibly scheduled with the instructor and are available days, evenings, and Saturdays.


The CAM certificate provides students with strong foundation in the reading and creating of blue prints for manufacturing. This includes developing a foundation in computer aided design using Solidworks and the programming of Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) machines for the precision fabrication of parts.


The Automation Short-Term Certificate program will give students a strong fundamental background in electrical basics and the usage of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) to control automated industrial processes. Students will get an introduction to FANUC robotics for industrial usage.



BOLD: A new experience with the learner in mind.

Balance - courses will be held one night a week on campus with an online component to ensure you have time for other obligations

Opportunity - we allow you the chance to build relationships with potential employers, peers, and professors

Learn - courses are tailored to effectively provide consistent and meaningful content in an 8 week format

Degree - programs are designed for you to complete your certificate, earn a degree, and begin your career


Now enrolling for the following degrees

  • Banking and Finance
  • Business Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Human Resource Management
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Marketing

Turn Your Experiences Into Credit Hours

At Northwest State, we value your hard work and achievements. Our Credit for Prior Learning Program allows us to discuss your previous experiences and potentially turn them into credit hours. A simple conversation could turn into a huge opportunity for you. Please contact us to see how your experiences can turn into credits!