

Career-Technical Assurance Guide Credit


Many of Ohio’s secondary career-technical students transition to higher education in Ohio. In 2005, with the passage of House Bill 66, Ohio expanded articulation and transfer efforts by providing students in career-technical institutions with a guarantee of credit transfer from high school to college in approved programs.

Courses/programs that are approved as CTAG and that are eligible to transfer to an Ohio public institution of higher education can be searched at Ohio Higher Education - Career Technical Assurance Guides (select the Career-Technical tab, then complete the remaining steps).


If you are not sure if your course is eligible then complete the form below and we will figure out for you.


Northwest State Community College requires the following items to evaluate Career Technical credit:

  • Ohio State Student Identifier Number (SSID). Your SSID can be retrieved from your high school transcript or counselor.
  • My NSCC ID Number (The student must have completed an application for admission to NSCC: this includes submission of their official high school transcripts to NSCC).
  • Request Form Below

Once this request is submitted, Northwest State Community College Registrar’s Office will retrieve CTAG credits from the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Career Technical Articulation Verification (CTAV) portal to verify successful completion of CTAG course and NSCC equivalence. Posting of credit is dependent upon Ohio Department of Education Career-Technical Articulation Verification portal data.

For more information on Career Technical Credit Transfer, please visit the Ohio Department of Higher Education's Website.