A student takes full responsibility for adding or dropping courses. This can be done through myNSCC, or by completing an Add-Drop Form and returning it to the NSCC Registrar’s Office in C120.
Failure to attend classes or give proper written intention to withdraw will result in failure of a course. Students will be academically and/or financially responsible for any “W” or “F” grades received. The adding or dropping of courses requires the student to contact the Financial Aid Department and/or the Business Office to adjust the aid or make payment.
Adding Classes
All courses must be added prior to the first day of class for the specific term. All course additions must have written approval of the instructor and the Dean once classes have started. All added courses will be charged the full tuition rate.
Registering for more than 20 credit hours in the fall/spring terms or more than 10 hours in the summer term require a student to obtain permission from the Dean or Vice President for Academics.
Dropping Classes
Student’s drop courses online at myNSCC through the 100% tuition refund period for a specific course.
Withdrawing from Class(es)
Dropping a course after the 100% tuition refund period is a “withdrawal,” which may be completed through myNSCC in-person, by faxing the request to the Registrar’s Office at 419.267.5604, or by mailing the request which must be post marked on or before the last date for a “W” deadline. Failure to attend classes or give proper written intention to withdraw will result in failure of a course. Students will be academically and financially responsible for any “W” or “F” grade received.
Withdraw policy for courses that are 3 weeks or less:
Withdraw policy for courses that are 4-7 weeks:
Withdraw policy for courses that are 8-15 weeks:
Withdraw policy for courses that are 16 weeks or longer:
Military Withdrawal
Withdrawals due to military activation during a semester will require the student to withdraw from classes at the time of activation, at which time a “W” will be assigned. Upon receipt of a copy of the student’s actual military activation orders, the College will refund 100% of the student’s tuition and fee for the semester, and any “W” grade will be changed to a “WM” to signify a military withdrawal on the transcript. Upon returning to college the student is required to submit copy of the DD214.
Auditing Courses
The term “audit” refers to a course which is taken without credit. Courses taken on this basis are not included in the computation of the cumulative grade point average and are not applicable to graduation requirements. A student must elect audit status at the time of registration or take action to change to audit during the refund period for that class length. (Class length: 1 week or less = enroll as audit; 2 wks to 7 wks = 1 week to change to audit; 8 wks to 15 wks = 2 weeks to change to audit; 16 wks = 3 weeks to change to audit) The student initiates such action through the Registrar’s Office. Students auditing a course will pay the same fees as if the course was being taken for credit.