

Accessibility Services

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Action of 1973, the mission of Accessibility Services is to provide equal educational opportunities and reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals with disabilities. It is the college’s policy not to discriminate against individuals with disabilities, and to provide them with accommodations that serve to remove barriers and allow them to fully participate in the campus community.

Northwest State’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion extends to learners with disabilities and with campus wide collaboration, strive to create a welcoming and accessible environment.


The Process

Establishing accommodations is an interactive process between the Accessibility Coordinator and the learner. Accommodations are based on various factors, including the severity of disability, impact of disability on the individual learner, classroom environment, and course objectives.

The process of applying for accommodations is initiated by the learner informing the Accessibilities Coordinator of the need for accommodations. At such time, the Accessibility Coordinator will provide the learner with the Request for Accommodation form.

  1. Upon receipt of the completed form, the Accessibility Coordinator will review the document and reach out to the learner regarding the details of the request.
  2. Additional documentation is required; the learner must provide a copy of their Individual Education Plan (IEP), a 504, or a note from a medical professional documenting their diagnosis and needed accommodations.
  3. The Accessibility Coordinator will review all documentation and determine if a reasonable accommodation can be made.
  4. If accommodations are made, the Accessibility Coordinator will document accommodations in the learner’s MyNSCC portal and will communicate accommodations to the learner explaining the importance of self-advocacy.
  5. Once the accommodation is in place, the learner will notify the Accessibility Coordinator if modifications to the accommodation are needed.
  6. If a determination has been made to deny an accommodation request, the Accessibility Coordinator will notify the learner of the denial and the basis of such denial.


Appeal Process

A learner who is unsatisfied with the outcome of a reasonable accommodation request may ask for reconsideration by submitting a written request within ten business days (unless circumstances prevent the ability to appeal) of receiving the notice of the outcome of the reasonable accommodation request from the Accessibility Coordinator.

The Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs will review the request and respond within ten business days of receiving the appeal. This decision will be final.



Protected Health Information

Documentation related to an ADA accommodation will be kept in a confidential file. All requests will only be shared with those in the College needed to fulfill the accommodation process.

Questions Regarding Accommodations?

Please contact Renee Bostelman, Accessibility Coordinator